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Connect custom landing pages or external websites to your Pathwright account
Connect custom landing pages or external websites to your Pathwright account

Find out a few ways to integrate external pages with your Pathwright account.

Laurie Garcia avatar
Written by Laurie Garcia
Updated over 9 months ago

For school administrators

If your course Paths are public, your landing page for your account (the first page that people see when visiting your account) is your Library page. From the Library, visitors can view all public Paths and select any Path to see the "About" page for that Path and self-enroll.

If your Paths are members-only or private, visitors will encounter your sign-in page. In this case, you can invite people to your account or invite them to a particular Path and they will be guided to create their login and enroll in a course.

While your Library and Path "About" screens are great places to introduce your Paths, sometimes it's useful to include custom pages that explain more about what you're offering. There are two options for adding a custom landing page.

  1. You can create a single custom page outside of Pathwright and then we can add it to your Pathwright account via iframe. This means it will load as part of your Pathwright account navigation and under your Pathwright account's web address, as if you were to embed the page into your account.

  2. You can create a full stand-alone website and smoothly link between your primary website and your Pathwright account using hyperlinks.

Method 1: iframe a landing page or other page into your Pathwright account

Send us a link and we'll iframe a standalone page directly into your Pathwright account to serve as a landing page, terms of use, FAQ, or other type of page. This is available for free with any account.

A single custom promotion page iframed into your Pathwright account can help make the introductory pitch for all your Paths or subscription plans. Here are a couple examples:

Custom landing page iframed into a Pathwright account

How to set this up

This feature is one that a Pathwright Guide can add for you, and we're happy to do it for you anytime. Here are the next steps:

1. Use the web page builder of your choice to create your page.

You can iframe a web page from virtually any website creation tool (CMS) into your Pathwright site. For example, some popular choices include:

2. Verify that your page meets our guidelines for iframed pages.

Please follow these guidelines when creating your page:

  • Be sure your page link includes https. This helps us keep your account secure and is required for iframed pages.

  • Your Pathwright navigation bar and menu will overlay your embedded page – so be sure your page doesn't include any navigation. 

  • Ensure that your page does not have a Content Security Policy set on it which will prevent the page from being loaded in an iframe. Here's more info.

  • Leave at least 50px of space at the top where the navigation will be.*

  • To improve your SEO for the page, optionally send us the meta title and meta description you'd like to include.

  • Finally, this tag needs to be included within the <head> section of the code: <base target="_top">

  • If you have button links or hyperlinks on your page, set them to open in a new window (target="_blank"), or add the following script to the href on the <a> tag of your page for links to your Library: 

onclick="(function () { = ''})()"

*Note that some Squarespace templates have a style editor setting called "Apply Minimum Height". If it is turned on by default in the template you're using, you'll need to turn that off.

3. Send us the link to the page.

Once you're ready to link in a custom page to your Pathwright account, simply send us the link, and the following information:

  • What you'd like the link to be called in the menu (e.g., "About", "Welcome", "Home", etc.).

  • Should this be your primary landing page (instead of your account Library)?

Method 2: link between your primary website and your Pathwright account

Create a button, tab, or hyperlinked text on your external website that directs visitors to your Pathwright account, or vice-versa. This is available for free with any account.

Many educators have found it simple and easy to simply link to their Pathwright course Paths from their primary website just like Krista King does from her website.

External website with button link to subscription plans on Pathwright

External website with hyperlinks to courses on Pathwright

How to link from another website to your courses

  1. If you'd like your visitors to be able to view your courses without signing in, first make sure at least one course is set to "public." If no cohorts are public, then your courses will require an email and password to view.

  2. Decide which page you'd like to link to: your Library is a good option if you have multiple courses to choose from. If you're only teaching one course, or if you promote each course individually, then the Course "About" page is a good option.

  3. Once you've decided where you want to link to, sign out and copy the URL of the page from your browser's web address bar, and then add it as a link on your website.

    💡 Tip: educators often use terms like "Online learning" or "Online courses" as a name for the link they add to their website.

How to link from your Pathwright account to another website

If you would like to link back to your website from your Pathwright account, send us the URL of your external website and we can add a link to your menu and footer. We'll need a short (1-3 word) title for the link, such as "Home," "About," or "Terms of Use."

Or, add a button link to your Library banner that will take people back to your main site.


Q. Can I add just a simple Privacy Policy page to my account?

Q. Why doesn't Pathwright have a feature for building custom landing pages within the platform?

A. Some education platforms include custom "page builders" that allow you to create very basic pages. At Pathwright, we take a different approach: we make it possible to link in web pages from easy-to-use (and inexpensive or free) professional website builders.

These website builders have far more powerful features, better designs, and more marketing/design support than you'll find within any education platform. This helps you create nicer looking and more effective pages and allows us to focus our design and development efforts on making you the best possible learning and teaching experience.

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