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🔘Multiple Choice question Block

Add a Multiple Choice question Block to ask a question with one correct answer.

Laurie Garcia avatar
Written by Laurie Garcia
Updated over 6 months ago

The Multiple Choice question Block can be used as part of an assessment to check learners' understanding and recall. You can also use a Multiple Choice Block to make a True/False question or Matching question with one item in the question and the matching item in the answer options. They can also be used for a question that should have one answer selected, but no one response is "correct" (like a survey question).

Consider using questions throughout the Path (not just in scored assessments!) to keep learners engaged and on track, just as you would do by asking questions in the classroom.

Sample Multiple-choice: learner preview mode on the left and edit mode on the right

How to add a Multiple Choice question Block

  1. Create a new step on your course Path and open the step.

  2. Select "Question" then "Multiple Choice." You've added a Block to your step!

  3. Replace the question template text with a question of your own or instructions. Add answer options. Toggle on the checkmark to the right of the correct answer option. To use the question as a survey-type question (with no "correct" answer), leave all answers unchecked; respondents will be able to select one response. 

  4. Optionally add more Blocks. When finished, hit Publish.


You can...

  • Ask a question with one correct answer or no correct answer, and two or more answer options.

  • Add, edit, and delete possible answer options.

  • Quickly reuse a question in the same step by clicking the copy button and editing the copy.

  • Optionally add an answer explanation. This will display after the question is answered, depending on your choices in the step settings

  • Require review or let the step autograde the response based on completion.

  • Receive notification when an answer is submitted and leave comments, a video, audio, or file in your response, and assign points (optional).

Learners can...

  • Select one answer option and submit their answer.

  • Complete the assignment in order to mark the step complete.

  • Depending on your choices in the step settings, learners can reset their response to take again and view the answer explanation immediately, if provided.

  • View points and feedback by email and in-app, when applicable.


Q. How do I adjust points and grading notifications?

A. Open the step settings to adjust these settings and more for the step.

Q. How do I turn off the option to reset and retake the assessment?

A. By default, learners can reset and retake any step any number of times. To limit learners to a single attempt on all the assessment questions on a step, open the step settings and disable retries.

Q. Can I mark more than one option as correct?

A. Not with a Multiple Choice question, but you can add a Multiple response question in order to add a question with multiple correct answers. Multiple choice questions will now let you select 0 "correct" answers to use as a survey-type question. 

Q. Can I show feedback on each answer option?

A. If you'd like to add feedback that will show up after the learner has chosen his answer and submitted it, you can do this using the Answer Explanation field. The Pathwright platform currently supports only one answer explanation per question, which means that whether the learner chooses the correct or incorrect answer, the feedback they receive will be the same.

Here's an example of how you could use this field:

You'll be able to choose when to display the answer feedback to learners under the step settings.

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