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⚙️Step settings: Adjust step behaviors, assign points, require staff review, and more
⚙️Step settings: Adjust step behaviors, assign points, require staff review, and more

Control how your members interact with a step, including retries, scoring, staff notifications, and more.

Laurie Garcia avatar
Written by Laurie Garcia
Updated over 3 months ago

For administrators, editors, and teachers

The step settings open up all kinds of teaching superpowers, including scoring, staff notifications when a learner completes a step, password locks, and more.

How to access the step settings

If you'd like to edit the step settings for all Cohorts, open your Source Path. If you'd like to edit only the step settings for one particular Cohort, open to that particular Cohort path and make sure you're in "Design" mode.

  1. From the Path, open a step and then select Settings (the gear icon in the upper right corner). 

  2. Make your edits to the settings and save.

  3. Be sure to publish the changes using the Publish button in the upper right corner of the page so your learners receive the updates.

The settings can also be accessed from the Path by hovering over any step and then selecting the gear icon.

You’ll see several options with the step settings open.

Select "More Settings" to reveal additional settings.

Under Step Settings

1. Estimated time to complete

Add the time you expect learners to spend on this step in minutes. The time on each step will display to learners on the Path and roll up into each lesson, helping them to gauge the time they need to spend per lesson. 

2. Require completion

If you make a step required (default), learners will need to complete the step in order to finish the Path and receive completion status. If you do not make a step required, the step will be labeled as "optional." Learners will be able to skip the step by clicking "Skip it" and still receive completion on the class. 

When all required steps are completed, and all optional steps are completed or skipped, the entire Path will register as completed, and if you have provided a certificate of completion, it will become available at this point. 

3. Make reviewable

Toggling this setting on will trigger notifications to staff members when a learner completes the step. If points are available for the step, a staff member will need to review the completion and assign them manually.

If the setting is toggled off (the default), no one will be notified, and the step will be graded automatically.

Any step can be graded automatically. For assessment types that would typically require review, like an essay response, grading automatically will simply award points for completion if you have set a point value (see below).

4. Award points

If you set a point value, the step will produce a grade item and scores will be tracked on the downloadable reports. If you do not set a point value, no grade item will be associated with the step, and the item will not show up on the reports.

5. Minimum passing score

If you set a minimum passing score (optional), then the learner must obtain at least that score in order to complete the step. 

If retries are allowed (see below), the learner will be prompted to retake until the passing score is achieved. 

If retries are disabled, the learner must pass the assessment on the first attempt; otherwise the learner will be unable to complete the step, and if the step is required, unable to complete the Path. 

Under More Step Settings

6. Step visibility

There are three options to choose from when it comes to step visibility.

  • Only registered members

By default, step content will be visible to all registered members of the Cohort.

  • Registered with password

Select this option to enter a password or passcode that will lock the step. If you require a password on a step, learners will need to be given the password and enter the correct password before they can unlock and view the content of the step. Learners will not be able to complete or skip locked steps unless they have the password.

Learner view of a password-locked step:

  • Anyone can preview

If you make a step available for preview, then anyone who can access the public registration page for your Path can view the content in this step without paying or enrolling once you make the Path public.

Note that as Preview Mode does not include progress tracking, we do not currently support Preview Mode for steps containing assessments. Discussions will also be hidden in Preview Mode.

7. Allow retries

This setting determines when learners are permitted to reset their answers on any assessment Blocks on the step.

When turned on (the default), your learners can reset and resubmit this step any number of times. Use this for a "practice" quiz or self-assessment that you want learners to be able to reset and take over and over. If enabled along with a minimum passing score, the learner will be able to continue retaking to achieve a higher score.

When turned off, your learners will be prevented from retaking this step after they've submitted it. Learners can reset and edit their answers only up until the point that they click Complete Step and submit their answers. Use this for single-take quizzes and tests.

Note: If retries are disabled, and a minimum passing score is set, the learner must earn a passing score on first attempt; otherwise the learner will be unable to complete the step, and if the step is required, unable to complete the Path.

A staff member may manually reset a step or lesson on behalf of the learner in this case. See more about resetting steps for learners.

8. Show answers

After each question is submitted. Learners can see any answer explanations that you have added immediately upon saving their answer, and without completing the entire step and submitting all answers. They will have the opportunity to change their answer based on feedback before submitting.

After the step is complete. Learners can see any answer explanations that you have added only after completing the entire step and submitting all answers.

Only show answers to staff. Choose this setting if you want to hide the answer explanations on this step from learners. Staff can still view the answer explanations to guide them as they leave personal feedback. Feedback is always visible to staff.

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