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Find downloadable reports with data about learners and their performance, registrations, discount code use, and more.

Laurie Garcia avatar
Written by Laurie Garcia
Updated over a week ago

Pathwright has built-in reporting for much of the information we track within the platform. If you don't find what you're looking for below, let us know

Account-wide Reports (admins-only)

Account-wide reports can be downloaded by opening the Account Settings from the menu or Dashboard and going to Download reports. Only administrators have access to account-wide reports.

Member Report

This CSV report contains the basic details of all the members of your account.

Includes the following data:

  • User ID

  • first name

  • last name

  • email address

  • username

  • profile bio

  • profile location

  • account-wide role

  • date joined

  • access revoked time (time stamp is present if member's access is revoked)

  • archived time (time stamp is present if member was archived)

  • GDPR consent status

  • last session time (last date and time active in your account)

  • number of registered courses

Member Progress Report

This CSV report shows each course a learner is enrolled in with data about their progress.

Includes the following data:

  • User ID

  • first name

  • last name

  • email address

  • profile bio

  • profile location

  • registration role

  • registration ID

  • course ID

  • course name

  • path type (Course or Collection)

  • cohort ID

  • cohort name

  • progress pct (this is the percentage of steps completed out of total steps possible)

  • start date (date when the learner started taking the course)

  • completion date (date when the learner earned 100% completion on the course, where applicable)

  • access expiration (learner's individual access expiration date)

  • last session time

  • last registration activity

  • points earned (number of points scored by the learner on completed steps)

  • points missed (number of points missed by the learner on completed steps)

  • points available (the total number of points available to be scored by the learner on completed steps)

  • score (percentage of points earned out of points attempted)

  • discount code (code applied at registration, if any)

Course Registrations

This CSV report contains the payment details for all course registrations. 

Includes the following data:

  • first name

  • last name

  • email address

  • username

  • registration role

  • registration date

  • registration ID

  • course ID

  • course name

  • cohort ID

  • cohort name

  • class price

  • discount amount

  • amount paid

  • discount code

  • order ID (can be used for tracking purchases)

  • last registration activity time (date and time last active in this course)

Resource Information and Stats

This CSV report includes details on all the courses (and Collections, if applicable) that exist in your account.

Includes the following data:

  • resource ID

  • resource name

  • resource slug (URL)

  • summary

  • description

  • type of resource (course, Collection)

  • created by (user ID)

  • created by (user name)

  • always visible (true/false)

  • total registrations across all cohorts

  • total complete registrations (# of members who have completed 100% of the resource)

  • total incomplete registrations (# of members who have completed less than 100% of the resource)

  • total started registrations (# of members who have completed 1 or more step in the resource)

  • total cohorts (# of cohorts associated with the resource)

  • total member-created cohorts (# of cohorts created by members)

  • lowest public cohort price

  • highest public cohort price

  • discussion enabled (true/false)

  • member-created cohorts enabled (true/false)

  • authors

  • categories

  • course editors (by user name)

Cohort Information and Stats

This CSV report includes details on all the cohorts that are associated with courses (and Collections, if applicable) in your account, including member-created cohorts.

Includes the following data:

  • resource ID

  • resource name

  • resource type (course, Collection)

  • cohort ID, cohort name

  • cohort URL

  • cohort features

  • created by (user ID)

  • created by (user name)

  • created by (user email)

  • created time

  • visibility (private, members-only, public)

  • price

  • seat limit

  • seats available

  • seats filled

  • registration opens time

  • registration closes time

  • learner access starts time

  • learner access ends time

  • total complete registrations (# of members who have completed 100% of the cohort)

  • total incomplete registrations (# of members who have completed less than 100% of the cohort)

  • total started registrations (# of members who have completed 1 or more step in the cohort)

  • free with plans (subscription plans)

  • teachers (by user name)

  • moderators (by user name)

  • is licensed (true/false, indicates a member-created cohort)

  • license owner ID (member who created the cohort)

  • license owner user name

  • license owner email address

  • license seat limit, license seats filled

  • license expiration time

  • license amount paid

  • license paid with subscription

  • learner invite URL

  • moderator invite URL

  • teacher invite URL

  • observer invite URL

Summary Level Discount Code Usage

If you use discount codes to give discounted or free access to a paid course, this CSV report has the basic details about how those are used. 

Includes the following data:

  • discount code

  • discount amount

  • expiration date

  • max redemptions

  • number of redemptions to date

  • number of redemptions remaining

  • one redemption per user (T/F)

  • applies to all courses (T/F)

  • applies to course IDs

  • applies to category IDs

  • applies to all plans (T/F)

  • applies to plan IDs

The course, category, or plan IDs, when included, indicate the specific items to which the code may be applied.

All Discount Code Redemptions

If you use discount codes to give discounted or free access to a paid course, this CSV report has all the information about how those are used. 

Includes the following data:

  • User ID

  • first name

  • last name

  • email address

  • discount code

  • created date

  • redeemed date

Member-created-cohort data

If you offer your courses to groups via member-created cohorts, this CSV report includes data for each group purchase.

Includes the following data:

  • resource ID

  • resource name

  • cohort ID

  • cohort name

  • cohort URL

  • creator ID

  • creator name

  • creator email

  • licensing option ID

  • licensing option cost per seat

  • amount paid

  • discount code used

  • discount amount

  • subscription used (TRUE indicates that the cohort was paid for via the user's subscription)

  • seats purchased

  • seats filled

  • seat remaining

  • license expiration time (time stamp is present if an expiration date exists)

Course or cohort-specific Reports

The following reports are available for each course or cohort, and are found under the View Learners screen. 

To access the View Learners screen, select "View Learner Progress" from the Settings menu within the course, or use the Learners icon on the right side of the Path for one-click access. Open the download button in the upper right corner, and select a report to download. 

Learner Data

This CSV download is accessible from the View Learners screen from any cohort and includes the following data for each member in the cohort you're viewing:

  • User ID

  • first name

  • last name

  • email address

  • profile bio

  • profile location

  • registration role

  • registration ID

  • progress percentage

  • points earned

  • points missed

  • points available

  • score percentage

  • registration date (date when the learner enrolled/registered)

  • last registration activity time (date and time last active in this course)

  • completion date (date when the learner earned 100% completion on the course, where applicable)

  • expiration date (learner's individual access expiration date)

  • invitation from (name of the user who invited this person)

  • discount code used

Scores by step

This CSV report is accessible from the View Learners screen from any cohort and includes the following data for each learner in the cohort you’re viewing:

  • first name

  • last name

  • email address

  • score for each step with points assigned

  • total score

  • last registration activity time (date and time last active in this course)

Completion by step

This CSV report is accessible from the View Learners screen from any cohort and includes the following data for each learner in the cohort you’re viewing:

  • user ID

  • name

  • email address

  • role (learner or moderator)

  • completion status for each step (incomplete, complete, or skipped)

Mentor Group Reports

Two downloadable CSV reports are available for Mentor Groups and these can be accessed only by account admins. To download a report, go to Community on the Dashboard or main account menu, open the additional actions icon (⋮) in the upper right corner, select a report to download.

Group Report

This CSV report lists basic information about each Mentor Group.

Includes the following data:

  • group ID

  • group name

  • slug (URL)

  • type

  • description

  • group created date

  • parent group ID

  • parent group name

The following fields apply only if the type is "subscription."

  • subscription status (active/inactive)

  • subscription canceled time (time stamp appears if the subscription has been canceled; the time stamp indicates the end of the billing cycle)

  • subscription Stripe Product name (name of the Product in Stripe)

  • subscription Stripe Price name (name of the Price in Stripe)

  • subscription seats (total seats purchased)

  • subscription seats filled (number of seats currently occupied)

Group Membership Report

This CSV report contains more detailed data about each user's membership in each Mentor Group.

Includes the following data:

  • membership ID

  • user ID

  • user first name

  • user last name

  • user email address

  • group ID

  • group name

  • role in group

  • group parent ID (if nested under another group)

  • membership created date

Reports FAQs

Q. What activities are tracked in the "last registration activity time" column?
A. These learning actions occur in the context of a registration and are the only actions that update the last activity time for the registration:

  • user registers

  • user completes a step

  • user resets step

  • user skips step

  • user creates a discussion

  • user responds to a discussion

  • user completes course

This does not track a learner simply viewing a path.

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