You're using a course offered on the Pathwright platform that uses securely embedded Vimeo videos with educational content. However, your learners are using on a school or workplace network that blocks Now what?
Each network's firewall or filtering system will be different. Here are some general guidelines you can share with your network manager.
Allow all embedded Vimeo videos
Whitelist the URL of the Pathwright account. If you see an option to "Apply to embedded Vimeo videos," select this. Clear your browser cache, refresh, and all the embedded videos on the site should play. You may also need to whitelist Pathwright's sub-processors.
Manually whitelist Vimeo URLs
To manually enable access to embedded Vimeo videos for your learners, follow these steps:
Whitelist the URL of the Pathwright account and the following domains:
cdn.embedly.comOn your filter, allow secure (encrypted) requests from
Clear your browser cache, refresh, and all the embedded videos on the site should play. You may also need to whitelist Pathwright's sub-processors.
Whitelist all
You can also whitelist all of the following domains, but this will permit access to
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