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☑️ Tasklist Block

Add a list of tasks that the learner will complete outside of the Path but needs to report on as part of the Path requirements.

Laurie Garcia avatar
Written by Laurie Garcia
Updated over a week ago

The Tasklist Block is perfect for verifying that the learner has completed certain steps of a project, or tasks that take place outside of the course Path. For example...

  • Check off steps required for a project before submitting the final file.

  • Check off exercises done offline.

  • Check off required reading.

  • Check off hours of practice or volunteering.

A sample Tasklist Block: learner preview mode on the left, edit mode on the right

How to add a tasklist

  1. Create a new step on your course Path and open the step.

  2. Select "Task" then "Tasklist." You've added a Block to your step!

  3. Replace the template tasklist title and description with your own. Add all required items to your tasklist.

  4. Optionally add more Blocks. When finished, hit Publish.

👉Note: All items in a Tasklist Block series are required. To create a checklist with items that are optional, use a Multiple Response Question Block instead and don't select any "correct" answers.


You can...

  • Add, edit, and delete tasks.

  • Require review or let the step autograde the response based on completion.

  • Receive notification when an answer is submitted and leave comments, a video, audio, or file in your response, and assign points (optional).

Learners can...

  • Check off all tasks in order to mark the step complete.

  • Depending on your choices in the step settings, learners can reset their response to take again. 

  • View points and feedback by email and in-app, when applicable.


Q. How do I adjust points and grading notifications?

A. Open the step settings to adjust these settings and more for the step.

Q. How do I turn off the option to reset and retake the assessment?

A. By default, learners can reset and retake any step any number of times. To limit learners to a single attempt on all the assessment questions on a step, open the step settings and disable retries.

Q. How do I add a checklist where learners are not required to mark off all items in order to complete the step?

A. For a survey-style checklist, we'd recommend using the Multiple Response Question Block instead.

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