šŸ“±Path App: learners access your courses on the iOS app

How to access your Pathwright courses via the Path App.

Laurie Garcia avatar
Written by Laurie Garcia
Updated over a week ago

This feature is currently in beta testing. Admins may apply for all beta features here.Ā 

Since this feature is in beta, this Quickstart guide & documentation is liable to change.

Quick Start Instructions

  1. Download Path App from the Apple app store (search for "Path App" or "pathapp").

  2. Sign in with your existing Pathwright login.

  3. If you are a member of multiple Pathwright schools, you will select one; if not, you'll skip to the following step.

  4. All the courses you're enrolled in under that school will load on your Home screen. Select any course to continue where you left off.

  5. To switch accounts or log off, select the account icon in the upper left corner of your Home screen.

Note: You can check compatibility for the Path App with your devices here.


Supported Features

Currently supported with this release:

  • Access to all Pathwright accounts with existing membership

  • Access to all existing enrollments

  • Sign-in with Pathwright credentials or SSO

  • Learner mode only (loads all enrollments in learner mode)

  • Loads all Blocks content including files, videos, audio, assessments...

  • Learners can upload files to Submit Blocks and complete assessments

  • Schedule view (currently unique to the app) allows learners to see the next assignment due across all courses

  • Learners can post to discussions, subscribe to discussion boards, receive notifications, and "like" posts

  • Keeps you signed in

  • Tracks progress through all courses from one home screen

  • Automatic advance to the next step

  • Download content for offline use (unique to app; embedded material excluded)

  • Offline progress is synced to other devices when offline device is taken back online

  • View cumulative grade and progress

  • Shows other learners in the course as avatars (unique to app); expands to show first name, last name, last active time frame, and progress bar (does not show grades of other learners)

  • Email teacher (requires a default mail app to be set up on the device)

  • Email notifications are enabled for steps with due dates. When the user loads a path with due dates, the app will schedule notifications.

  • Hyperlinks open in new browser tab

  • Two-way private feedback

  • Push notifications for discussions and scheduled reminders, in-app notifications

  • Locking content with future start dates


Planning to support in future versions:

  • Storefront/Library

  • Notes

  • Profile settings

  • Discussion topics

  • "Pending review" message for ungraded steps

  • Reset password

  • "Need help?" links, support policy, Intercom chat

  • Change orientation for viewing videos and other content full-screen

  • More extensive theming, such as dark mode

No plans to support:

  • Non-learner views (including observer view)

  • Non-blocks (legacy) content

  • Billing settings

  • Playing audio (on audio or video Blocks) with the Ringer on silent

Full Documentation


When the app is opened, the first thing it does is check for any updates. There may be a new app build or a new version of the Blocks client. If any updates are found, the app will attempt to download these updates while continuing to show the app loading screen. If these updates fail for any reason (offline or error) the app will fall back to the last downloaded version.


Once the app has initialized it attempts to authenticate the user. If the user had logged in previously this will succeed and the app will load into the last state of the app. If the user was switching schools before the app was last closed, the list of schools will be displayed, otherwise the last selected school will load for the userā€™s path. If authentication fails, the app will reset its cache and display the login flow.


The app uses a login flow that is optimized for SSO. Since the user may use SSO rather than a password, we do not immediately show a password field. Rather, the user must enter their email first which allows the app to check if that email for its login methods. If a user has no SSO login methods, only the password field will be displayed. If a user has a single membership with SSO, only that SSO login method will be displayed. If a user has multiple memberships, the password field and all additional login methods will be displayed.


Once the user has logged in, they will be able to access any schools where they have an active membership. If they have only a single membership, the app will immediately load into the user's home path for that school. If they have multiple memberships they will see a list of their school memberships. The user will not need to login for each school membership. Whatever login method they used to authenticate will allow them to access any of their memberships. Even if a user logs in with SSO specific to one school membership, once they are authenticated they can access any of their memberships.

User Path

Once the user has selected a school membership, they will see their learning path with all their current and completed courses. Only existing enrollments will be displayed. There is currently no method to add to the userā€™s path from within Path app. If any of the courses have been loaded previously, the user will see a shortcut button allowing them to immediately jump back into their next step. If the user wishes to switch schools or log out, they can do so from their home screen by pressing the school logo button in the top left corner.

Course Path

The course path displays the learner path for a course. Once a user has made some progress, they can see a progress report similar to web version by tapping on ā€œYouā€™ve completedā€ status message. If any progress has been made the app will automatically scroll the user to their next path item when navigating into the course. The userā€™s next item will always be highlighted with a ā€œStartā€ or ā€œResumeā€ prompt which opens the lesson and step.


If Blocks content for a step exists it will be rendered into a web view for the learner. The learner should always be able to access the latest Blocks because of this. Blocks content integrates with the ā€œComplete Stepā€ button, enabling it or disabling it depending on the user interaction required. Pressing the ā€œComplete Stepā€ button will automatically advance to the next step. If a user has completed or skipped a step, they can reset their completion by tapping on the completion status button. In the future this button will load a Feedback screen for their completion so this interaction will need to change (probably to a long press or side swipe).


A user can view their cohort by tapping on the avatars or member count displayed immediately below a course path title. This will allow them to see their teachers and/or moderators as well as their fellow learners and progress being made. If a user taps on a teacher or moderator profile they will be able to contact the teacher via email.


When a user views their path, the app will load any upcoming steps and schedule notifications for those steps if they have due dates. The notification will only display when the app is closed or running in the background; notifications will not interrupt a learner who is actively using the app (aka in "focused" mode). If a user completes or skips a step that has a due date, the scheduled notification will be canceled. If a notification is tapped, the user will be redirected into the app and the lesson screen for the notification will be opened.

Offline Mode

Path App caches all the data it loads, so once a screen has been loaded once itā€™ll be available in offline mode. This includes schools, courses, paths, cohorts, etc. Any images, such as course covers, avatars, and background images, will also be cached. The only thing that canā€™t be cached is Blocks content. This must be downloaded manually (see below). If a user has a poor connection, it is recommended that they disconnect entirely so that offline mode can be enabled. The app displays a status bar above the app when in offline mode. In offline mode any inaccessible content is grayed out and disabled. Schools, courses, steps, etc that havenā€™t been cached will not be accessible while in offline mode. In offline mode all requests (such as loading or completion actions) are still attempted but the connection error is hidden and the requests are saved for later. This means if a user completes steps while offline the app will sync those completions when the app comes online later. If a user logs out the cache will be purged, so the user will need to load screens while online so they can see them again while offline.


Download toggles are displayed at the path and step level. Toggling at the path level simply downloads each step in sequence. Currently downloads cannot be paused or canceled. If connection is lost or an error occurs the entire download will be thrown away and the user will need to toggle the download on again. Once a path or step has been downloaded, it will have an extra downloaded badge wherever it is displayed. The only Blocks media that donā€™t support downloads are embedded media. If Blocks content is not displaying offline and has no embeds, then this is a bug. If a school wishes to promote an offline path on Path App, it is recommended that they avoid using embeds in a path.

Tips for optimizing your courses for Path App

  1. Path App loads all content built with Blocks. If any of your content is built with our legacy builder that predates Blocks, we'd recommend following this guide to update to Blocks.

  2. Only content hosted by Pathwright can be used in Offline Mode. Embedded content (for example, YouTube or Vimeo videos, Google Forms, embedded PDFs, etc.) can only be loaded with a live internet connection.

  3. Attachments will open in a new browser tab and require a live internet connection.

  4. Embedded videos should be added using the full embed code. You can get a responsive embed code via https://embedresponsively.com/. Unfortunately, Iframely, the service we use to embed videos from the URL, is not supported on the app. If you embed from URL, the video will be blocked on Path App.

  5. Notes are not currently supported on the app.

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