First, congratulations getting this far! That's a big accomplishment on its own.
Before you launch your first course, we recommend taking a few minutes to update your Pathwright account-wide settings in order to make a good first impression on your learners and help your launch go smoothly. Let's dive in!
Pre-launch check areas
Outside of the course (or courses) you're preparing to launch, there are two other areas to check:
Account settings: These settings control the colors, names, icons, and support information your members will see when they visit your school.
Library: The place where your members will discover any courses you've made visible to them.
Check your Account Settings
Open your Dashboard and select "Account Settings" or select "Settings" from the main menu to access and configure the following items:
⬜ A School Icon that represents your brand or organization
⬜ A unique primary color used on all buttons and links
⬜ Support policy for when and how your members can get help along with a contact email and optional phone number
⬜ Selling courses? The first step is to Connect a Stripe account to enable the Commerce options.
⬜ If you haven't signed up for a Pathwright plan yet, now is the time to do so. Select "Activate Now" on the main menu and choose a pricing plan.
Check your Library
Finally, head over to your Library and select Library Settings and check for the following:
⬜ A welcoming Library banner.
⬜ Attractive course cover images.
⬜ If you have more than 5 courses, we recommend considering creating course categories to help people narrow down their choices.
💡 Tip: See all branding options here.
That's it! For further preparation, take a look through the Course Pre-launch Checklist for each course you're preparing to launch and review the Advanced Account options below.
Advanced Account options
You may want to activate a few weeks early if you plan to include any of the following:
⬜ A custom domain (available on the Essentials Plan and above). Note that it may take a couple days to purchase a domain and configure it to link to your Pathwright account.
⬜ Want to offer subscription plans? You can include courses in monthly or yearly recurring subscriptions (included in the Essentials Plan and up).
⬜ Want to offer discount codes? Offering a discount to your first group of learners can help attract more people, especially if you're new to offering your teaching online.
⬜ Want to offer courses for other people to teach or take as a group on their own? You can turn on "Member-created Groups" on the Complete Plan and above.