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Pathwright Design Paths

Get time-tested Path design advice from the Pathwright team as you create your own course Paths.

Paul Johnson avatar
Written by Paul Johnson
Updated over 7 months ago

In our experience, the hardest part of designing a high-impact online course has little to do with the software and more to do with the planning. Here are some difficulties we've seen educators wrestle with . . .

  • Designing a course Path that meets learners just where they're at and takes them where they want to go.

  • Writing and filming engaging content (especially on a budget)

  • Making a compelling pitch for why your potential learners should join in the first place (especially if you're selling the course).

We can help you design your course 

We often say that Pathwright is an education company, not a technology company. That's because we want to help with more than the tech side of it all. 

"Our mission is to multiply the impact teachers have on the world."

The Pathwright platform helps educators save time by eliminating busy work. This frees up educators to spend more time on teaching with insights and tools to spread their teaching further while keeping it personal – all things that multiply the impact they already make.

But over the past four years, our Pathwright Education team has also been helping many thoughtful organizations and teachers design courses and even create and produce content. In this process, we've learned what works and have developed a course design process that creates higher-impact courses for new and experienced educators alike.

We've turned part of our design process into an online course Path. This Path and others are currently available for free to all Pathwright users.

All design Paths

The following self-paced design Paths are available for free:

How to Plan a Course

Not sure where to start? This Path is perfect for someone who needs to figure out exactly what to teach and who to teach it to. By filling out Learner Profiles, you'll ensure that you understand your learners well so you can reach them where they are. Then we'll guide you through the Blueprint, a foundational piece in planning an effective course. We'll help you write effective learning outcomes and determine some starting details for your course Path. The Path is completely self-paced and you can review anytime. So if you don't know where to start with all your expertise, or you aren't quite sure who your audience is, this is the Path for you.
​Sign up for How to Plan a Course

​How to Design a Path

This Path is perfect for anyone new to Path design or looking for a simple way to develop a team-wide approach to designing learning experiences. Through 5 core lessons, we'll walk you through an easy-to-use approach to designing learning paths. You'll learn how to "hook" your learners' interest at the start of each lesson, how to show not tell, how to create application exercises, and more.
Sign up for How to Design a Path

How to Teach with Cohorts

This mini-training Path will walk you through a Cohort-based teaching mindset, sharing a few project ideas and tips along the way.​

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