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🔗 Button Block

Learners can click a button that links to any destination.

Hosanna Greene avatar
Written by Hosanna Greene
Updated over 2 months ago

Add a clickable button to your Blocks for various link types, including external resources like forms, websites, internal apps—even an invitation link to join another path in your Learning Space.

Sample Button Block: learner preview mode on left and edit mode on right

How to add a clickable Button

  1. Create a new step on your course Path and open the step.

  2. Select "Interactive" then "Button." You've added a Button Block to your step!

  3. Click the edit icon to paste in your link URL to the Link field.

  4. Optionally, edit the Button Label.

  5. When finished, hit Save.


With the Button Block, you can...

  • Link to anything—an external website, a form, even an invitation link to join another path in your Learning Space.

  • Edit the button label

Learners can...

  • Click the button to be taken to any destination.

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