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Add a trailer video to promote your course
Add a trailer video to promote your course

A trailer video on your course "About" page will be visible to visitors previewing a public course.

Laurie Garcia avatar
Written by Laurie Garcia
Updated over a week ago

Open the Course Settings for any Path and select “More Settings.” 

Paste your full trailer embed code into the trailer embed field. You'll need to use the full embed code (not just the URL) and your embed code should not include any Javascript. The embed code for a video hosted on YouTube or Vimeo can be found under the Share settings.

Save your changes and exit Course Settings. You will see the play button for the trailer appear over the course cover at the top of the About page when you are signed out or signed in as a member who is not enrolled in the course. 

Is your embed code not working? Contact us and we can take a look.

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